Doo Prime Outrade System Update Notice

2021-05-27 | OuTrade

Dear Valued Customer:

Greetings from Doo Prime!

To remain competitive and provide global investors with the best trading experience, Doo Prime has been unremittingly improving the quality of our products and services.

To this end, Doo Prime will be updating the Outrade system starting from Beijing time 15:00 to 17:00 29th of May 2021.

Users will still be able to access the Outrade system during the system update, only operation such as statistical analysis will be affected. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. Once the system update is completed, the above functions will return to normal, thank you again for your understanding!

Thank you for your trust and support in Doo Prime, we will continue to provide you with the highest-quality and satisfactory service.

If you need any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Europe: +44 11 3733 5199
Asia: +852 3704 4241
Asia – China: +86 400 8427 539

Customer Support: [email protected]
Sales Inquiry: [email protected]

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